姓名: 潘凯铭
职称: 暂未评
职务: 无
个人简介:潘凯铭,1990年8月生,黑龙江省牡丹江人,研究生导师,工学博士(博士后),中共党员,中国大坝工程学会大坝混凝土与岩石断裂力学专委会委员。博士毕业于西班牙卡斯蒂利亚拉曼查大学,并获得“Cum Laude”优等博士学位荣誉。大连理工大学建设工程学院博士后研究员。2024年1月入职于新疆大学建筑工程学院。
1). K. M. Pan, R. C. Yu, G. Ruiz, X. X. Zhang, A. de la Rosa, Z. M. Wu, Evolution of the FPZ in steel fiber-reinforced concrete under dynamic mixed-mode loading, Construction and Building Materials, 377, 2023, 131110. (SCI,中科院1区,Top)
2). K. M. Pan, R. C. Yu, X. X. Zhang, G. Ruiz, Z. M. Wu , A. de la Rosa, The propagation speed of multiple dynamic cracks in steel-fiber reinforced cement based composites measured using DIC, Cement and Concrete Composites, 122 (2021) 104140. (SCI,中科院1区,Top)
3). K. M. Pan, Z. M. Wu, R. C. Yu, X. X. Zhang, Study on the dynamic fracturing characteristics of aggregate-mortar interface under various loading rates using DIC, Construction and Building Materials, 403, 2023, 133069. (SCI,中科院1区,Top)
4). K. M. Pan, R. C. Yu, X. X. Zhang, G. Ruiz, Z. M. Wu, Propagation speed of dynamic mode-I cracks in self-compacting steel fiber-reinforced concrete, Materials 13(18) (2020) 4053. (SCI,JCR1区)
5). J. J. Ortega, K. M. Pan, G. Ruiz, X. X. Zhang, Precision of Measurements of Delayed Slip in Structural High-Strength Assemblies by Contact and Optical Methods, Buildings 14(4) (2024) 1046. (SCI,JCR2区)
6). H. W. Wang, J. J. Xu, X. Jiang , X. Y. Han, K. M. Pan, R. C. Yu, Z. M. Wu. Flexural behavior of GFRP-RC beams confined with CFRP in compression zone. Engineering Structures, 302, 117348. (SCI)
7). C. L. Ma, Z. H. Deng, X. Jiang , X. Chang, L. N. Zhou, K. M. Pan, J. J. Zeng. Shear capacity model of rectangular RC columns based on Bayesian update. Structures, 61, 106096. (SCI)
8). K. M. Pan, J. J. Ortega, X. X. Zhang, G. Ruiz, Slip tolerance in the standard of bolted joints and precision of its experimental measuring. Anales de Mecánica de Fractura, 37, 63-67, 5st Iberian Conference on Structural Integrity. (国际会议)
9). X. X. Zhang, G. Ruiz, K. M. Pan, M. Tarifa. Efecto de la velocidad de solicitación y del contenido de fibras en la velocidad de propgagación de fisura en hormigones auto-compactantes reforzados con fibras de acero. Anales de Mecánica de Fractura, 35, 541-544, Grupo Español de Fractura.(国际会议)
1. 粗骨料对水工混凝土裂缝扩展过程率相关性的影响, 2022SGG01, 水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室开放项目,01/01/2023— 31/12/2024,10万元,在研,主持;
2. 纤维增强混凝土中的动态混合模式断裂,SBPLY/19/180501/000220,欧洲区域发展基金和西班牙卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼恰地区,01/01/2020— 31/12/2022,西班牙省科学基金面上项目, 101万元,已结题,主要参与 (博士课题);
3. 使用DIC的高性能螺栓接头滑动公差测量,UCTR190453,Asistencia Global de Ingeniería, S.L.,01/05/2019 — 31/12/2020,企事业单位委托科技项目,6万元,已结题,参与;
4. 高性能纤维混凝土的疲劳损伤,BIA2015-68678-C2-1-R,西班牙科技部(MINECO),01/01/2016—31/12/2019,西班牙国家科学基金面上项目,105万元,已结题,参与;
Kaiming Pan,PhD on the dynamic fracture in fibre-reinforced concrete using DIC with the distinction Cum Laude on Dec. 14, 2020, University of Castilla La Mancha,2020. ("Cum Laude”优等博士学位荣誉)